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MOLDPRES announces new product: Official Journal of Moldova (part I-V) for PDF download and storage on various devices

11:13 | 23.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, Aug. 23 /MOLDPRES/- Starting 22 August 2024, Moldpres State News Agency under a government decision is making available a new product: Official Journal of the Republic of Moldova (part I-V) for PDF download and storage on various devices at a price of 245 lei per month.

In addition to the opportunity to be one click away from the entire regulatory framework of the Republic of Moldova, the product is also a perfect tool for working with the texts of the official documents of the state, providing all those interested with a number of advantages: the Official Journal of the Republic of Moldova in PDF format, the possibility of downloading and storing on all devices, search engine, the possibility of subscription to keywords, unlimited access to the archive of the electronic version of the Official Journal of the Republic of Moldova etc.

The new product can be found here:

The OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA is a legally protected product and gives MOLDPRES the right to authorize its reproduction or the creation of other derivative products only by subscribers, according to the subscription contract, with the obligation to use it within the limits provided for in the contract, not to distort its content and to mention the source of the OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA.


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