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New residual waters purification station to be constructed in north Moldova city. Authorities launch tender

14:31 | 23.08.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 23 August /MOLDPRES/ - A new residual waters purification station will be constructed in the northern Soroca city. The tender for the station’s designing and building was launched by the authorities. The estimated value of the works is of 9.9 million euros, with a period of completion of 31months.     

The tender was opened for national and international companies which meet the criteria specified. The deadline for submitting the bids is 22 October 2024.  

„We do what we have promised: we construct the residual waters purification station in Soroca. This is a project about which people have been speaking for much time and which we will carry through. I thank everybody who is involved.’’ Infrastructure and Regional Development Minister Andrei Spinu said.  

The action is carried out within the project, Security of supply with water and sanitation in Moldova, and is aimed at extending and improving the sewerage services in the region. The subproject, Extension and improvement of the sewerage services in the Soroca municipality, includes the construction of a modern water-purifying station, of the Centru and South pumping stations, as well as of the sewerage tubes necessary.     

According to the manager of the project, Security of supply with water and sanitation in Moldova, Dorin Andros, the designing and construction works represent the final stage of the subproject. A string of preparatory activities have been carried out so far, including the signing of the agreement on cooperation between the National Office of Regional and Local Development and the Soroca city hall, the carrying out of the technical expertise of the current buildings, geo-technical study and the land surveys, as well as the elaboration of the needed technical specifications for the tender. Also, the plot of land meant for the construction of the water-purifying station was transferred from the property of the Moldsilva Agency.       

The Infrastructure and Regional Development Ministry (MIDR) informed that, on 18 September 2024, a meeting of pre-bidding would take place in Soroca, during which potential bidders will be able to examine the location suggested for constructions.    

The project, Security of supply with water and sanitation in Moldova, implemented by MIDR, has the goal to enhance the access to the services of supply with water and sanitation in a number of rural areas and cities selected, consolidation of the capacities of the local institutions of providing services of supply with water and sewerage and ensuring a prompt and efficient response in case of crisis or emergency situation.  

The project, amounting to 44.1 million euros, is financed by a loan provided by the International Development Association. Additionally, to carry out this project, Moldova benefited from a grant worth 1.55 million euros, provided by the Austrian Development Agency.    



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