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Moldovan PM discusses with representatives of Moldova-Fruct Association

17:12 | 23.08.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 23 August /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean and Deputy Prime Minister, Agriculture and Food Industry Minister Vladimir Bolea today discussed with representatives of the Moldova Fruct Association of Producers and Exporters of Fruits the development and the needs of the horticultural sector of Moldova, the government’s communication department has reported.   

PM Dorin Recean highlighted the considerably increase, in the last years, of the volume and assortment of Moldovan fruits exported and the turning to account of new sales markets. The prime minister referred to the authorities’ commitment to further back the development of agriculture and the horticultural sector, including for providing possibilities of more accessible financing for the producers in the field.    

The discussions were focused on possibilities of irrigation of plantations of fruit trees, through the turning to account of surface waters and studying opportunities of using underground waters rationally, prudently and inoffensively for the environment. This aspect is to be analyzed more profoundly by specialists in the sector and researchers, on the immediately next period.  

Also, the sides analyzed the possibility of widening the spectrum of activities described as agricultural, in the conditions when the activities carried out by entrepreneurs become ever more diverse. It is about the sorting, packing, depositing and other adjacent activities, including of providing services to other entrepreneurs from the sector.  

The Moldova Fruct Association represents over 250 entrepreneurs working in the agriculture sector: producers, processors, exporters of fruits, as well as services providers. In 2023, the exports of native fruits increased essentially, with the European market turned to account ever more, as a result of the exclusion of taxes and quotas of import for Moldovan products.      





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