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Moldovan president comes up with congratulatory message on Ukraine's Independence Day

11:04 | 24.08.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 24 August /MOLDPRES/ - Our neighbour and reliable partner on the European path, Ukraine, marks its Independence Day on 24 August. On this occasion, President Maia Sandu, in her congratulatory message, said that the Ukrainian nation had proved an exemplary resistance before the Russian aggression and the boundless suffering, defending its Motherland and freedom with a remarkable courage, the presidential press service has reported.     

„Ukraine fights for everybody’s peace and freedom, for a future in which the sovereignty of the nations is observed. Moldova is and will be with the Ukrainians – we share the same values, value the life and support the efforts for peace.  З Днем Незалежності, Україно! (Congratulations on the Independence Days, Ukraine)”, the head of state said.   




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