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Moldovan parliament's building illuminated in colours of Ukraine's national flag

16:53 | 25.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 25 August /MOLDPRES/ - The parliament building on 24 August evening was illuminated in the colours of the Ukrainian national flag, on the occasion of Ukraine’s Independence Day.  

According to the parliament’s communication and public relations department, on the occasion of the marking of the 33rd anniversary of Ukraine’s independence, Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu conveyed a message, in which he emphasized the fight for freedom, expressing confidence that Ukraine would win in Russia’s barbarian war.   

„We, the citizens of Moldova, thank you for the lesson of courage and love for country you prove day after day, by steadfastly defending both your independence, of Ukraine, and the one of the entire Europe. We support you in the fight for freedom; we are with you and strongly believe that Ukraine will win in this barbarian war of Russia. Both Moldova and Ukraine acquired their independence 33 years ago and we know that the road was not at all easy. Therefore, we will do our utmost to move forward and to be part of a great family, where there is democracy, peace, well-being and this family is the European Union. The good always wins!  З Днем Незалежності, Україно! (Congratulations the Independence Day, Ukraine!) ”, reads the message by Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu.     




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