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Mobile Team service to be available in all Moldova's districts; Territorial Social Assistance Agencies endowed with 16 new vehicles

11:53 | 26.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 26 August /MOLDPRES/ - The Mobile Team service will be implemented in all districts of Moldova, after this service today was extended in 12 districts, which did not have such service. The Territorial Social Assistances Agencies were endowed with 16 new vehicles for the work of the mobile teams. With the help of these vehicles, the social assistance sector employees will be able to provide their services to more citizens in the territory, especially in far-away less accessible settlements and communities.     

Those 16 vehicles, worth 5.839 million lei, will be used for the establishment of the Mobile Team service at the Territorial Social Assistance Structures from Basarabeasca, Cahul, Calarasi, Criuleni, Drochia, Dubasari, Hancesti, Ialoveni, Nisporeni, Rezina, Soroca, Soldanesti and for the strengthening of the mobile teams at the Territorial Social Assistance Structures from Balti, Floresti, Leova and Ocnita.      

At a today’s event on the donation of vehicles, Labour and Social Protection Minister Alexei Buzu said that the Mobile Team would work especially with children with severe disabilities, with families and beneficiaries who are further from the district centre, who do not have access and do not have possibilities to move to certain specialized services. ‘’Today, we make history. Today, we inaugurate mobile teams in 12 districts. This means that, starting from today, we have this service in all districts of Moldova. This is a great pride and a great achievement for the big RESTART team from Moldova. The Mobile Team service was created in our country in 2011. In early this year, it existed in 15 districts; we managed to launch it in five districts and now in another 12 districts. So, starting from today, we may consider that this service is functional in all districts of Moldova,’’ Alexei Buzu said. ‘’The stake of the RESTART reform is for us to make sure that our colleagues in the first line are more efficient, have the basic knowledge and equipment,’’  the minister noted.           

Attending the event, MP Marina Morozova said that the RESTART reform was about concrete steps made in the social assistance system of the country.  ‘’Today, we mark one more step, one more achievement of the team and I am happy that we have mobile teams all over the country. In the districts where mobile teams already work, we see how our citizens receive qualitative, professional services. The automobiles donated today will cover thousands of km to the citizens in need of assistance, of our support,’’ the lawmaker said.

The donation takes place in the context of the implementation of the RESTART reform and within the implementation of the reform of the National Employment Agency. The RESTART reform is set to improve the governance and transparency in the social assistance system and ensure the uniform and fair access of the vulnerable residents to quality social services.   










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