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United Nations to continue adjusting assistance to current priorities of Moldovan authorities

13:31 | 26.08.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 26 August /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean today met new Resident Coordinator of the United Nations in Moldova Yesim Oruc Kaya. The discussions were focused on the wide spectrum of assistance provided by the UN to Moldova and the sides set the priorities for the next period.  

According to the government’s communication department, the PM appreciated the constant support provided by all United Nations agencies in the management of the crisis of Ukrainian refugees and their integration into the society. The prime minister also emphasized the sectoral assistance focused on such sectors as the social protection and human rights, justice reform, energy efficiency, green economy, as well as adaptation to the climate changes and their attenuation.     

„Moldova is now on the European path of development and the quite wide programme on cooperation with UNO and the assistance provided will facilitate the fulfillment of our agenda of modernization, will help us comply with the EU’s acquis. In this respect, the sustainable development goals are quite relevant for achieving what really matters,’’ Prime Minister Dorin Recean said.  

The new UN resident coordinator in Moldova said that the organization’s goals and the national ones coincided and the United Nations would continue adjusting its assistance to the current priorities of the Moldovan authorities.   

Presently, 25 UN funds, programmes and agencies work in Moldova and among the most important activities there is the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, of the UNO-Moldova Cooperation Framework for 2023-2027, as well as of the country programmes of each specialized institution.     






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