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Nominal monthly gross average salary increases by about 17 per cent in Moldova in 2023

19:11 | 26.08.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 26 August /MOLDPRES/ - The monthly nominal gross average salary in 2023 increased by 16.9 per cent against 2022 or by 1,761.9 lei. As a result, the salary amounted to 12,209.2 lei.

According to data by the National Statistics Bureau (BNS), the monthly nominal net average salary was of 10,372 lei, up by 16.5 per cent (or by 1,482.5 lei) more against 2022.   

The highest values of the monthly gross average salary was registered in the activities of information and communication – 32,530.3 lei (2.7-fold more than the average size on Moldova); financial activities of insurances – 23,424.2 lei (by 91.9 more than the average size on Moldova); production and supply of electric and thermal energy, warm water and conditioned air – 18,276.8 lei (by 49.7 per cent more against average size on Moldova).    

On the other hand, the highest values of the average monthly salary were recorded in activities of accommodation and public nourishment; agriculture, forestry and fishing; art, recreation and leisure activities.   

Territorially, the gross monthly average salary was under the average size on the country in all territorial administrative units, except for the Chisinau municipality. The lowest salaries were registered in the districts of Briceni, Glodeni and Ocnita.  

In the Chisinau city, the average salary was higher than the average size on the country, reaching 14,884.3 lei, up by 21.9 per cent.

In late 2023, there were 733,300 employees, which is by 0.5 per cent more against the end of 2022.



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