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United Nations Organization has new coordinator in Chisinau

15:40 | 26.08.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 26 August /MOLDPRES/ - Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Affairs Minister Mihai Popsoi today had a meeting with new Resident Coordinator of the United Nations Organization in Moldova Yeșim Oruç Kaya.

At the meeting, the UN coordinator presented the copies of the accreditation letters and the two officials held discussions on the agenda of reforms and the sustainable development goals of Moldova.  

The Moldovan diplomacy head appreciated the continuous support of the UN country team in Moldova’s advancement on the European way and the role assumed in the mobilization of the efforts of response to the crises faced by Moldova. At the same time, the deputy PM wished success to the new UNO coordinator in the exercising of the highly responsible mandate.   

For her part, Yeșim Oruç Kaya said that the UN would continue providing Moldova with expertise and support, adjusting its assistance to the priorities and efforts of the country’s development.   



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