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Head of state wishes success to Moldovan tennis player, due to play against Novak Djokovic at US Open

15:57 | 26.08.2024 Category: Sport

Chisinau, 26 August /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu has wished success to Radu Albot, the best tennis player in Moldova’s history, who will play against Novak Djokovic at US Open, one of the most important tennis tournaments in the world.    

„Moldova is again at its best and this is due to such people as Radu, who bear with pride our tricolor at the international competitions of the highest level. Mush success, Radu!,’’ President Maia Sandu said.  

A Moldovan tennis player, Radu Albot, will play against Serbian Novak Djokovici, who is presently on the second position in the world and is one of best internationally ranked players in the history of the tennis. This will be the first direct play between the two sportsmen. The match will take place today at 17:00 (Chisinau time).   

Radu Albot recorded the best result at Grand Slam of the US Open in 2017, when he reached the third round.



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