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Moldovan PM has meeting with young people from Taraclia district, Gagauz Autonomy at government's headquarters

18:36 | 26.08.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 26 August /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean today had a meeting at the government with young people from the southern Taraclia district and the Autonomous Territorial Unit (UTA) of Gagauzia, actively involved in the life of the communities which they represent. The PM emphasized the role of young people in the mobilization of the society, stressing also the importance of the participation of young people belonging to ethnic minorities in decision-making processes, the government’s communication department has reported.   

According to the prime minister, the civic participation in not only a right, but also a responsibility of each citizen and young people can become examples worth being followed and leaders who know the needs and aspirations of their settlements best of all.   

„I urge you to become strong voices in your communities. Either it is about the participation in elections, the initiation of projects or the involvement in civic organizations – each action matters. We will edify together a better live at home – this the country project which unites us,’’ Prime Minister Dorin Recean said.   

Also, the prime minister referred to opportunities provided to young people by the government, highlighting the programme of paid probations in the public service. The probationers selected receive a non-taxable monthly scholarship of 3,000 lei and after the carrying out of the probation they can be employed by contest. At the same time, the PM emphasized the cultural voucher and the initiative to launch the tourist voucher.     

The young people put questions on the process of Moldova’s European integration, access to resources and information, as the as the importance to combat the misinformation. ‘’Encourage sound discussions and help counteract messages which try to divide and manipulate our people,’’ Prime Minister Dorin Recean also said.








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