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Moldovan electoral body says ten days left for preliminary registration

10:31 | 28.08.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 28 August /MOLDPRES/ - The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) reminds to voters from abroad that the period of preliminary registration for participation in the next autumn ballot will end in ten days.   

According to CEC, the need of the preliminary registration consists in setting the estimated number of electors who express their intention to vote at one of the polling stations organized outside Moldova.  

This is one of the three criteria established by the electoral law which, along with the information on the dynamic of voters’ participation in the last national elections and the data provided by the Foreign Affairs Ministry on the number and place of stay of Moldova’s citizens abroad, will stay at the basis of the authorities’ decision to organize the polling stations abroad.

At the same time, at the ballots due on 20 October 2024, the voters from the USA, Canada, Iceland, Finland, Sweden and Norway can ask for the vote by correspondence and the preliminary registration is compulsory in this case. Over 660 people have registered for the vote by correspondence so far.   

The deadline for the preliminary registration is 6 September 2024.



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