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EUROPEAN VILLAGE: About 1,200 residents of central Moldova village have access to running water

12:19 | 28.08.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 28 August /MOLDPRES/ - About 1,200 residents of the Peticeni village, central Calarasi district, have access to running water, after 6.6 km of local aqueduct network has been constructed in the settlement, thus connecting 250 households to the artesian well of the village. The works were carried out through the European Village programme and cost 3.25 million lei.    

Besides those 1,200 residents, the social buildings were connected to the aqueduct, such as the kindergarten, gymnasium, office of family physicians and one economic agent of the village.  

The overall cost of the project is of over 3.25 million lei, of which 2.7 million lei was allocated by the government through the National Fund for Regional and Local Development (FNDRL) and about 530,000 lei represents the contribution of the local community.

According to the mayor of the Peticeni village, Sergiu Spac, this project significantly improved the residents’ living conditions, taking into account that many of the wells were dried up and the others had a very poor flow, especially on the summer period.  Potrivit primarului satului Peticeni, Sergiu Șpac, acest proiect a îmbunătățit semnificativ condițiile de trai ale locuitorilor, având în vedere că multe dintre fântâni erau secate, iar celelalte aveau un debit foarte mic, mai ales în sezonul estival.

At the same time, a modern leisure zone was arranged through the Express European Village Programme, endowed with a playground and another one for volley ball, as well as a ground for recreation with paved access roads. The implementation of the project, Arrangement of the leisure area on the territory adjacent to the Peticeni Community Centre, now allows those 1,200 local residents, of whom 200 are children, to benefit from improved recreation services in the settlement.    

The overall value of this project is of almost 440,000 lei, of which 435,000 lei was allocated by the government through FNDRL and 5,000 lei represents the contribution of the local public authorities.  

According to the National Office of Regional and Local Development, so far, 853 out of those 896 initiatives approved for financing within the national programmes European Village, edition I, Express European Village, and Extension of the public crèche groups, have been finished. A number of 154 of all initiatives regard the construction and rehabilitation of water and sewerage networks.  










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