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Moldovan electoral body says over 660 people register for vote by correspondence

10:40 | 28.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 28 August /MOLDPRES/ - The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) has informed that over 660 people registered for the vote by correspondence till today. Most requests are from the USA – over 370 and Canada – over 170.     

According to the quoted source, people interested can register on the website, by accessing the option, vote by correspondence.  

CEC reminds that there are ten days left till the end of the period of preliminary registration.

„We reiterate that, if the elector is set to vote by correspondence, the registration is compulsory in one of those six countries in which this alternative way of voting is implemented, ‘’ reads the CEC’s press release.    

Moldova’s citizens from the USA, Canada, Iceland, Finland, Sweden and Norway can ask for the vote by correspondence at the presidential elections and the constitutional referendum due on 20 October.



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