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Number of Ukrainians asking for temporary protection increases in Moldovan capital

11:00 | 28.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 28 August /MOLDPRES/ - The number of Ukrainian citizens who ask for temporary protection in the Moldovan capital has increased and presently stands at 32,810 people.     

According to data by the General Inspectorate for Migration, 32,810 Ukrainians benefit from temporary protection in Chisinau, which accounts for about 57 per cent of the overall number nationally.  

„The average weekly growth is of 500 people. A number of 7,883 of them are children and 2,569 are citizens older than 60. Nationally, the total number of Ukrainian refugees under temporary protection reached 57,611 people,’’ the Chisinau deputy mayor, Angela Cutasevici, said.   

The Chisinau city hall calls on the Ukrainian citizens who are settled in the capital to legalize their stay, by submitting the acts to get the status of temporary protection. This status provides the beneficiaries with more rights: to work, to benefit from first and emergency medical assistance; to have access to education.   



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