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Moldova to have new diplomatic mission in Kazakhstan

12:39 | 28.08.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 28 August /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova will have a new diplomatic mission in Kazakhstan. The government today approved, at a proposal by the Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE), the opening of a new diplomatic mission in Kazakhstan, with headquarters in Astana. The new embassy will ensure a more extended diplomatic presence in this region and will facilitate the establishment of the relations, through this country, with the other states from the central Asia.    

According to Deputy PM, Foreign Affairs Minister Mihai Popsoi, Kazakhstan represents a regional power, with an important economic and commercial potential, with rich energy resources and a large community of Moldovans. ‘

‘The opening of a new diplomatic mission will enhance the relations between Moldova and the Central Asia region, in general, and Kazakhstan, in particular. This will boost the political relations; will contribute to the promotion of the interests of our citizens, when it comes to the attraction of investments, promotion of exports. At the same time, we will be able to establish much more intense contacts with those over 20,000 our citizens who live in Kazakhstan,’’ Deputy PM Mihai Popsoi said.   

In 2023, Kazakhstan registered a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of about 250 billion U.S. dollars, up by about 15 per cent against the year before, and an economic growth of 3.2 per cent. The country represents a big sales market and a complex provider of raw material and energy resources. Presently, Kazakhstan makes efforts to diversify the commercial portfolio, especially in the EU states or in the immediate neighbourhood to EU. In the context, Moldova can exploit Kazakhstan’s export potential, concomitantly with the attraction of investments of private companies from this country.   

The opening of Moldova’s embassy in Astana is part of the action for the extension of Moldova’s consular diplomatic network, which is included in the National Development Plan for 2025-2027.   


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