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Moldovan foreign affairs ministry says information on Moldova's inclusion in alleged scheme of mass export of biological material fake

13:22 | 28.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 28 August /MOLDPRES/ - The Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) today warned that a fake and manipulating message on Moldova’s inclusion in an alleged scheme of mass export of biological material had been distributed in the Russian online environment.    

„The information is pure fiction. Being assigned to the Russian Defence Ministry and distributed on more Russian websites, it continues the string of fakes through which the Russian propaganda tries to promote the idea that Ukraine, in the long run, can use biological substances. The new element which appeared now is that Moldova would be logistically involved in this process,’’ MAE said.  

„We firmly declare: these are fakes, meant to create confusion and ambiguities, in order to discredit the Moldovan authorities and the European way of our country. The fake message appeared deliberately on the Independence Day, in order to shadow the holiday and trigger division,’’ the Foreign Affairs Ministry noted.  

According t the quoted source, Moldova is attached to all international norms against the proliferation of the biological weapons and will stay like this.  

MAE recommended that the citizens are informed only from safe sources.



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