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Moldovan government sets new goals of development of transport, infrastructure till 2030

14:04 | 28.08.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 28 August /MOLDPRES/ - The government constructs a sustainable and modern transport system, accessible and safe for the citizens. In this respect, the cabinet of ministers today approved the 2030 Mobility Strategy, which will ensure the development of Moldova’s infrastructure based on high quality criteria, according to the European standards, the government’s communication department has reported.    

The document contains a detailed analysis of the situation in the field, of the principal challenges faced by Moldova as regards the mobility of goods and of the passengers and the measures of intervention in this respect.  

Among the goals due to be achieved, there are the improvement of the network of roads and road services, interconnection of the road transport programmes regionally and the ensuring of an efficient, sustainable and environment-friendly  road transport of goods. Thus, the strategy is aimed at reducing the traffic jams at the border checkpoints, digitalizing all licences, authorizations and permits and facilitating the access to the international market.     

Also, the Strategy regards the modernization of the railway services, development of the naval transport and improvement of the air traffic’s management.   

To monitor and evaluate the Strategy’s level of implementation, decision-makers will analyze such indicators as the number of km of road rehabilitated, evolution of the volume of goods carried and the number of air companies attracted to Moldova’s aviation market.   



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