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Moldovan cabinet to facilitate trade with ecological products

14:17 | 28.08.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 28 August /MOLDPRES/ - The cabinet of ministers today approved the Regulation on the import and export of ecological products. Thus, the legal framework will be improved and adjusted to the European Union’s one. In this way, the trade with ecological products will be facilitated and the sales markets will be diversified.    

According to the government’s communication department, in particular, the document regulates the verification of the official transports of ecological products and the issuance of the inspection certificates, as well as establishes the cases in which the ecological products are exempted from official controls at the border checkpoints. At the same time, the actions due to be undertaken by the authorities in case risks are recorded are specified.   

Also at the today’s meeting, the cabinet updated the regulation on the use of the national trademark, Ecological Agriculture – Republic of Moldova. The main changes regard the simplification of the procedure of applying the national trademark on a new product by the already certified operators in the ecological agriculture. Also, the operators will be able to ask for the renewal of the authorization for the next year, if the product’s labelling did not change significantly.     

Thirteen authorizations on the use of the national trademark by seven economic agents certified in the ecological agriculture have been issued so far. The trademark was applied on the following products: plants tea, table grapes, lavender oil and walnut kernel.  



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