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Moldovan PM visits settlement of Chisinau municipality, on Dedication Day

21:53 | 28.08.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 28 August /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister  Dorin Recean today visited the Bubuieci settlement, Chisinau municipality, to celebrate the settlement’s Dedication Day and support the local community. The event was marked by a string of festive activities, the government’s communication department has reported.  

In a message conveyed to the commune’s residents, the PM reiterated the government’s support for the sustainable development of the rural communities.  ‘’The government’s priority is for us to live in a clean and European environment and we will continue working, in order to improve the people’s living standards. The fact that the commune’s population has doubled in the last years is an index that the people appreciate what the central and local authorities do,’’ the prime minister said.    

Through the European Village programme, the kindergarten from the Bic village, part of the Bubuieci commune, attended by 160 children, is constructed from the scratch. At the same time, the sanitary infrastructure from the kindergarten of the Bubuieci village will be renovated within the Express European Village.   

The residents of Bubuieci commune today marked the 506th anniversary of its foundation. The commune is part of the Chisinau municipality, is made up of the villages Bubuieci, Bic and Humulesti, and has about 10,000 residents.    









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