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REFERENDUM 2024 // ''European integration process of Moldova can no longer be stopped''; Moldovan State University's Rector, graduate with all marks of ten, mayor of Mascauti village say ''Yes'' at referendum due on 20 October

10:04 | 29.08.2024 Category: Referendum 2024

Chisinau, 29 August /MOLDPRES/ -  

Moldova’s citizens on 20 October 2024 will participate in a constitutional referendum, during which they will answer the question: ‘’Do you support the amendment of the Constitution for the Republic of Moldova’s accession to the European Union?’’  

The results of the plebiscite will represent ground, if most residents answer affirmatively to this question, for the amendment of Moldova’s Constitution, so that the European integration’s desideratum should be compulsory for all governances due to come.  

The European Union opens new opportunities of education for the young people from Moldova and creates modern conditions of education of the new generation, which will fully embrace the European values. A future which will have nothing in common with barbarianism, along with the countries of the democratic world, in a consolidated rule of law state can be ensured only through Moldova’s accession to EU. The opinions were expressed by Rector of the Moldovan State University (USM) Igor Sarov, a graduate who got all marks of ten at the school-leaving examinations, Valeria Diacioc from Edinet and the mayor of the Mascauti village, central Criuleni district, Valeriu Cartin, within the REFERENDUM 2024 campaign, carried out by the MOLDPRES State News Agency.      

Igor Sarov, USM rector: „We are with all states of the democratic world, which condemn the aggression and the aggressor and the best defence is for us to consolidate the rule of law state and make the steps towards the accession to EU’’

„The subject of the European integration is particularly important for me. Europe represents not only a vast geographic area, but also a community of values, norms and principles which can deeply transform our society.   

In my capacity of rector of the biggest education institutions from Moldova, I understand quite well that Europe represents the access to the best practices in the educational sector, to programmes of academic and professional training exchanges, which give us huge possibility to develop and adapt to the European standards. Such programmes as Erasmus+ and Horizon Europe, as well as other educational initiatives, open the doors to us for international cooperation, facilitating the mobility of students, teachers and researches. The access to the educational resources, modern technologies and European research networks stimulate the innovation and creativity among young people.    

USM is member of the Unica network of universities, made up of 55 universities from European capitals – Imperial College from London, Bucharest University, Vienna University, Brussels University, Amsterdam University, Freie Universitat Berlin, Helsinki University, Sapienza University, etc., combining about 180,000 of university staff and about 2,000,000 students!     

Moldova’s European integration way can no longer be stopped, but through a brutal external interference, with or without domestic opportunists. The example of Ukraine is a tough lesson, which, I hope, awakened even the most ardent defenders of Russia. We have nothing in common with barbarianism, lack of respect for the democratic values, for the generally human values. We are with all states of the democratic world which condemn the aggression and the aggressor and the best defence is for us to consolidate the rule of law state and cover the steps towards the accession to the European Union.     

We are, just as in 1918, at a crucial moment of the history, and the spectre of the 19040 year, with all its consequences for our fate, threatens our independence and freedom again. After about 150 years of Russification, after 30 years of searches on the way of democratization, we are still hesitating and easy to be manipulated. We resisted, by preserving our national identity; yet, we continue to be divided under the cannons of the Russian propaganda.  Will our children forgive us this error?    

‘’I say a categorical ‘’Yes’’ to the referendum due on 20 October!’’

Valeria Diacioc, pupil from Edinet, who got all marks of ten at the school-leaving examinations: ‘’For the young people, this step would mean access to education of the highest quality. The referendum might change the future of the present generation.’’   

„I really believe that Moldova has a nice future ahead, with the European integration way being one of the principal factors which would stimulate and ensure this. The integration into EU would bring hope among all citizens and the support on behalf of the European Union, especially the financial one, would give courage to the people to extend their vision, to be open to try new things and to edify together a developed state according to the model of the European countries.  

For the young people, this step would mean access to education of the highest quality, opportunity to participate in programmes dedicated to young people who are set to promote the inclusion, cultural diversity, cooperation, solidarity, the civic and democratic spirit. At the same time, a wide range of choices in terms of jobs, which provide competitive salaries and valuable experiences, would be opened to the young people.  

For me, EU means a new beginning for Moldova. It means prosperity, democracy, development, partnership and happier people.   

The referendum due next autumn is a crucial step on our European integration way, is people’s chance to make their voices heard and directly get involved in the edification of Moldova’s future. The participation in the referendum is the duty of each citizen who really wants a change, but the involvement of the young people is even more important, as they will be the ones who will feel the consequences of this event most of all and for a longer time.   

I will surely be present at the referendum due on 20 October, as I want the country where I was born to flourish, to develop continuously and to provide the Moldovans with everything it has the best, bringing all people from Diaspora back home. I would say to the young people who have doubts, whether to go to the referendum or not, not to hesitate, to do it, as this can change the future of the present generations, as well as of the next ones.’’     

Valeriu Cartin, the mayor of the Mascauti village, Criuleni district: ‘’Moldova deserves and must be a modern country, completely different from what it has been so far.’’  

„The children from the Mascauti village, Criuleni district, already enjoys a repaired kindergarten and endowed with the assets necessary for their development, within the European Village Programme. Moreover, a new crèche group was set up for 25 children. Following the carrying out of this project, the mayoralty ensured improved access for 170 children, 28 employees, as well as the creation of four jobs. And this should be a norm for all settlements of the country. By choosing the European vector, Moldova has chances to become prosperous and comfortable for all citizens.      

In a comparative, long-term perspective, the historical process of European integration is among the most important and original processes in the history of the continent, including due to the place occupied by Europe in the world. Moldova’s integration into the European Union is the option of the people who want another kind of living, in a civilized community, where the human rights are at their home. The road and the paths of the European integration are not easy and only united in the decision to choose the democracy and freedom, voting the European Moldova on 20 October, we will manage to cover it. Moldova deserves and must be a modern country, completely different from what it has been so far.’’     





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