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Moldovan agriculture minister announces first set of financial measures meant for farmers hit by drought, other natural calamities in 2024

10:42 | 29.08.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 29 August /MOLDPRES/ - Deputy Prime Minister, Agriculture and Food Industry Minister Vladimir Bolea has unveiled the first set of financial measures meant for the farmers hit by the drought and other natural calamities in 2024. The move is aimed at facilitating their access to the resources necessary for continuing the agricultural activities and maintaining the economic stability in the sector.   

The measures proposed include the cutting of the delayed payment penalties for the farmers who have delays in the payment of the installments in 2024 because of the natural calamities. The Agency for Development and Modernization of Agriculture (ADMA) will renounce the delayed payment penalties at the level of 100 per cent, on condition that the Notification on the attestation of the justified obstacle for the non-fulfillment of the contractual obligations, issued by Moldova’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry, is submitted.   

Also, a vacation of payment of six months will be provided for the due intermediary installments on the period 2 September – 31 December 2024, upon a written application by the farmers beneficiaries, based on the same Notification on attestation of the justified obstacle. At the same time, it is about the suspension of the payment of the last due installment in 2024, for the same period, 2 September – 31 December 2024, on the same conditions, based on the written application and the Notification issued by Moldova’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry.  

Besides these measures, decision-makers ruled to reduce the initial advance needed for the programme on development of the small-scale irrigation system from 40 per cent to 20 per cent, thus facilitating the farmers’ access to essential irrigation equipment for agriculture’s sustainability.   

„Through these decisions, we support the farmers who face major difficulties because of the bad weather conditions, providing them the support necessary for continuing their work and maintaining the stability of the agricultural sector,’’ Vladimir Bolea said.   

The measures were announced on 28 August, at a meeting of the Supervision Committee of the Agency for Development and Modernization of Agriculture, chaired by the agriculture minister.   




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