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Moldovan PM attends event on distribution of 41 ambulances

12:21 | 29.08.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 29 August /MOLDPRES/ - Forty one ambulances today were distributed to the substations and emergency medical assistance points of the National Pre-hospital National Emergency Medical Assistance Centre (CNAMUP). Attending the event were Prime Minister Dorin Recean and Health Minister Ala Nemerenco, the government’s communication department has reported.    

PM Dorin Recean congratulated the emergency teams, which will use the new ambulances, and stressed that the government would continue modernizing the health system. ‘’This procurements must not represent a special event, but become something normal, in which we have every equipment needed to save lives. We will edify the capacity to be at a distance not larger than 15 minutes from the patient, so that each live which can be rescued be rescued,’’ the prime minister said.   

PM Dorin Recean emphasized that the medical system had benefited from investments worth over 3 billion lei in the last years and the effort of providing as qualitative as possible medical services would continue. ‘’We have very good people – both the ones who are here and those who are in our clinics and hospitals – and we will fully equip the medical system, so that we are able to rescue each life, no matter whether he/she is in Chisinau, in the North or South,’’ the prime minister stressed.    

Those 41 ambulances have a cost of 3.5 million euros and are part of the consignment of 62 ambulances purchased by the Health Ministry with the support of the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB). In next October, another 21 ambulances are to be distributed.   

It is worth mentioning that, in the last two years, another 14 ambulances have been bought and distributed for the renewal of CNAMUP’s car park, with an overall cost of about 235 million lei. A number of 151 ambulances of them – based on the framework agreement between Moldova and CEB and 33 ambulances with the support of foreign partners (United Nations Population Fund, International Organization for Migration).   

In the last years, another major investments in the medical system have been directed for the opening of 13 centres meant for patients hit by cerebral vascular accidents, for the renovation of the intensive therapy sections, endowment with 12 computerized tomographs, implementation of the project, Drug stores in your village, increase by 40 per cent of the number of compensated medicines. Also, 36 substations and pre-hospital emergency medical assistance points of CNAMUP were renovated.    









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