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Moldovan electoral body informs some preliminary registrations might be turned down

12:55 | 29.08.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 29 August /MOLDPRES/ - The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) today informed that all registrations carried out with the infringement of the legal provisions would be turned down.   

The CEC members said that cases had been detected in which, with the use of the same email, a larger number of registrations than the ones provided for by the legal framework had been made.   

The regulation on the preliminary registration, approved under the CEC decision No 2513/2024, envisages that the preliminary registration of the voter is rejected, if more than seven requests for preliminary registration were sent from the same email.   

„The electoral authority asks the citizens to use with food faith the possibility to preliminarily register, in order to provide a correct picture about the number of citizens who stay abroad. At the same time, CEC recommends that the citizens do not accept any attempts to compromise the good organization of the elections,’’ the Central Electoral Commission’s press release reads.

CEC reminds that the electors who register to vote abroad will be excluded from the basic electoral lists, and if they come to the polling station at the place of residence, they will be able to vote on the additional list. The deadline for the preliminary registration expires on 6 September.    




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