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Moldovan law-enforcers detain author of false bomb alert

13:03 | 29.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 29 August /MOLDPRES/ - Policemen from the Balti city have identified and detained the author of a false bomb alert at an energy institution. He proved to be a drunk 47-year-old man from the Rascani district.  

According to the police, the man was identified, localized and detained for 72 hours.

On 28 August at about 19:00, a man called the 112 emergency service, informing that the headquarters of an energy institution from Balti was mined and was to explode. All specialized teams immediately moved on the spot, which established that the bomb alert was hoax after hours of verifications.  

An inquiry was opened, in order to establish all circumstances of the case.



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