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Forty schools of Moldova to receive new minibuses for pupils' carriage

16:18 | 29.08.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 29 August /MOLDPRES/ - Over 1,000 pupils from Moldova will go to school by new mini-buses, purchased with Romania’s support. Attending a today’s event on the distribution of the 40 transport units were Prime Minister Dorin Recean, along with Education and Research Minister Dan Perciun and Ambassador of Romania to Moldova Cristian-Leon Turcanu, the government’s communication department has reported.       

At the event, PM Dorin Recean stressed the importance of the modernization of the school transport for ensuring the access to quality education for all children of Moldova. The prime minister thanked the government of Romania for its contribution to the improvement of the education infrastructure, as well as for the entire assistance provided to Moldova.   

„This is a long-term investment of the Romanian state, which must be appreciated. Romania has always been with us and it is easily the best friend of Moldova,’’ the prime minister said.    

Those 40 mini-buses were purchased from the non-refundable financial assistance of 100 million euros provided by the government of Romania. The entire consignment comprises 69 school transport units worth about 74 million lei, with another 29 mini-buses due to be distributed in next October.  

Such criteria as the number of children due to be carried, the distance between settlements, as well as the measures undertaken by the local public authorities on the reorganization of the school network subordinated were taken into account when selecting the schools due to receive the mini-buses.  








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