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Moldovan electoral body's members approve informative video clip on process of preliminary registration

18:44 | 29.08.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 29 August /MOLDPRES/ - The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) today approved a message of public interest and accredited an international expert for the monitoring of the republican constitutional referendum and the elections for the office of Moldova’s president, due on 20 October.  

Thus, the CEC members approved an informative video clip on the process of preliminary registration for the Diaspora citizens, who opt for the vote by correspondence, elaborated by the Diaspora Relations Bureau (BRD) of the State Chancellery.   

A person on behalf of the Central Electoral Commission of Latvia was accredited as international expert.

Also today, CEC trained the people in charge of the financing (treasurers) of the initiative groups for the support of the candidates for the office of Moldova’s president at the presidential elections. They were familiarized with information about the financing sources, categories of expenses, aspects on reporting the revenues and expenses of the initiative groups, as well as other regulations from the normative acts.

The normative framework sees that, in a period of three days after the registration, the initiative group must open at a bank the account titled, Meant for the initiative group, and to make expenses from this account. The initiative group is obliged to nominate treasurer and the latter is to have economic or accounting education and should not hold public offices. The treasurers are obliged to compile the financial reports and submit them on term to the electoral body through Financial Control Information Subsystem.      



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