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Moldova tio sign Council of Europe's Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence

10:47 | 30.08.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 30 August /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova is to sign the Council of Europe’s Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence and the human rights, democracy and the rule of law. The parliamentary commission for foreign policy and European integration has approved an evaluation notice to this effect. The Convention will be open for signing at the informal conference of the Justice Ministers of the Council of Europe member states, which will take place in Vilnius, Lithuania, on 5 September.   

The Convention contains 36 articles with provisions through which the signatory states have the goal to make sure that the activities within the life cycle of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems are fully compatible with the human rights, democracy and the rule of law.  

The document establishes clear-cut principles, in order to make sure that the artificial intelligence is used democratically and responsibly. Also, the document provides a framework for regional cooperation in the AI sector.   

Thus, Moldova might cooperate with other Council of Europe member states, in order to develop and implement responsible AI policies, share the best practices and approach the common challenges. Nationally, a framework of cooperation between the authorities due to be in charge of the implementation of this document is to be created. Also, Moldova’s representation at the Conference of the Parties of the Convention is to be ensured.

At the same time, the Framework Convention represents a document complementary to the European Union Artificial Intelligence Act, which is to be transposed into the national legislation with Moldova’s accession to EU.   

The Framework Convention was adopted by the CoE’s Committee of Ministers on 17 May 2024. Delegations from 46 member states of the Council of Europe, European Union and 11 non-member states, as well as representatives of the private sector, civil society and academic environment participated in the document’s working out.    



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