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Moldovans from six states to be able to vote by mail on 20 October

12:05 | 30.08.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 30 August /MOLDPRES/ - The Moldovans from the USA, Canada, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Finland can vote by mail at the ballot due on 20 October. To be able to vote, the citizens should compulsorily register beforehand on the website till 6 September.    

The authorities inform that the preliminary registration is an optional procedure, through which Moldovan citizen with right to vote announce their intention to vote in a certain settlement from abroad. The elector who expresses his/her will to vote abroad at the elections for which the application is activated will be excluded from the basic electoral list.   

On 29 August, the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) approved the spread of an informative video clip on the process of preliminary registration for the Diaspora citizens, who opt for the vote by correspondence, elaborated by the Diaspora Relations Bureau of the State Chancellery.  

According to CEC’s latest data, over 660 people registered for the vote by correspondence.



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