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Moldovan Commission for Emergency Situations allocates about 11 million lei for repair of more social buildings, roads

16:11 | 30.08.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 30 August /MOLDPRES/ - The Commission for Emergency Situations (CSE) today approved the allocation of 11.24 million lei from the government’s intervention fund. Most of this sum is used for the liquidation of the consequences of this summer natural calamities. It is about the repair of more social buildings and public roads.   

As much as 3,857.1 thousand lei was earmarked for the repair of the Gymnasium from the Costesti village, central Ialoveni district. At the same time, it is also necessary to repair of the roof of the Centre of Temporary Placement for People with Disabilities from the Orhei city, hit by the storms from June 2024. The institution will receive 469.5 thousand lei to this end.   

Another four settlements will benefit from resources for the rehabilitation of roads hit by torrential rains from the last June. In particular, the means were distributed for three settlements of the northern Sangerei district: Balasesti – 1,546.7 thousand lei, Pepeni – 1,770.8 thousand lei and Prepelita - 1,881.6 thousand lei. The Vertiujeni village, northern Floresti district, will receive 900.3 thousand lei on the same purpose.   

A family from the Ungheni city will also receive 818,000 lei from the government’s intervention fund, in order to charge its current dwelling, subjected to the risk of landslides.





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