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European Chief Prosecutor says notices positive changes in Moldova's justice

12:13 | 02.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 2 September /MOLDPRES/ - „I have noticed certain positive changes in the justice of Moldova. The processes of reformation last for years; therefore, I encourage the judges, prosecutors and policemen to do their job at a high level; thus, the things will change for the better.’’ European Chief Prosecutor Laura Codruța Kovesi, on a visit to Chisinau, made statements to this effect today.   

The European official stressed that the institution cooperated with the anticorruption bodies of Moldova and provided every needed support, so that the  things change for the better.

„It is difficult for me to make a full assessment. Nevertheless, several positive elements are seen in what has happened in Moldova’s justice on the last period. I see that there is a very great interest as regards the wish to know. We signed agreements on cooperation with the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Court specialized in the anticorruption fight. We have several training sessions for prosecutors and policemen. We try to help with absolutely everything we can. I will learn more today, after I have a meeting with Mrs. President and Mr. Prime Minister. I will also participate in one of the meetings of the anticorruption platform, where the exchange of information will be much more concrete. I can only encourage all judges, prosecutors and policemen from Moldova to do their job. Nothing should be reinvented. If everybody does his/her job, the things will evolve well,’’ Laura Codruța Kovesi said.       

She referred also to the actions in the field of the Moldovan justice, which are to be carried out in the European integration process; more exactly, the adjusting of the legislation to the European standards.  

„We try to support as much as we can. When we talk about the fight with corruption, we must be aware that this is a constant phenomenon. We cannot stop; we cannot make mistakes; we cannot say that we have already solved everything and we have nothing to do. This is something continuous. To have results, you must have a clean justice system.  The legislation should provide to the judges, prosecutors and policemen enough legislative instruments, in order to be able to efficiently investigate the corruption cases. The fight against corruption is not only the responsibility of the justice system; the entire society should be involved, as we talk about prevention, procedures and the education in the anticorruption process. Somebody has impression that, once the country is EU member, there is no longer corruption; there are no challenges to the rule of law state. They are mistaken, this is a continuous fight. There is no clean country; we record corruption in all member states. We must wage this fight every day. We must work and take responsibilities. Any process of reformation lasts for years,’’ Laura Codruța Kovesi said.        

Also, the European chief prosecutor assured that, in Moldova, ‘’ the use of European pre-accession funds will be monitored at high level, just as this is done in other countries which benefit from these funds.’’     

European Chief Prosecutor Laura Codruța Kovesi today pays a visit to Moldova, at an invitation by Justice Minister Veronica Mihailov-Moraru.  

Today morning, the official gave a public lecture for students of the Moldovan State University. At the same time, the European chief prosecutor will have meetings with President Maia Sandu and Prime Minister Dorin Recean. Subsequently, the EU official has scheduled a meeting with Justice Minister  Veronica Mihailov-Moraru, after which both officials will participate in a meeting of the Anticorruption Platform.    

The first visit to Moldova by Laura Codruța Kovesi took place in July 2022.






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