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As many as 1,191 general education institutions to work in Moldova in 2024-2025 academic year

13:30 | 02.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 2 September /MOLDPRES/ - As many as 1,191 general education institutions (primary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, schools for children with deficiencies in intellectual or physical education, evening education institutions), will work in Moldova in the 2024-2025 academic year, of which 879 are in the rural environment.    

According to the Education and Research Ministry (MEC), in all, 336,316 pupils will attend schools during the new academic year. A number of 31,790 of them will go to the first form for the first time ever.  

As many as 12,591 pupils were admitted to the tenth form. Most of them will learn in classes with humanist profile, i.e. 63.22 per cent. The lyceum education will be carried out at 331 lyceums of Moldova. ‘’It is worth mentioning that, starting from 1 September, 407 young specialists are employed in the country’s schools – a record number for the last five years This figure is by 15 per cent higher against the 2023 year and by 35 per cent higher against the average size for the last five years,’’ MEC said.    

All schools will be supplied with new textbooks (at 100 per cent level) in the new in the 2024-2025 school year. In 2024, the ministry purchased school manuals for 67 titles, of which 27 with translations. Another 17 titles of new manuals are under preparation.   

In 2024, 18,417.9 million lei was allocated from the state budget for education, which accounts for 5.4 per cent of the Gross Domestic Product.   



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