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Moldovan PM has meeting with European Chief Prosecutor

15:51 | 02.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 2 September /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean today discussed with European Chief  Prosecutor Laura Codruța Kovesi the developments as regards the combating of corruption and how the joint efforts can be boosted to this end, the government’s communication department has reported.  

The PM said that the fight against the corruption phenomenon stayed one of Moldova’s priorities. He noted that, to combat the corruption, a common and quick answer was necessary on the behalf of the authorities, as well as the involvement of each citizen.    

The prime minister expressed interest in the consolidation of the cooperation between the corruption combating authorities of Moldova and the European Public Prosecutor’s Office. ‘’I appreciated the exchange of good practices as regards the investigation and criminal prosecution of the financial offences and of corruption, as well as the organization of trainings for the prosecutors of Moldova,’’ Dorin Recean said.   

European Chief Prosecutor Laura Codruța Kovesi gave assurances that Moldova would benefit, in continuation, from support in the reformation of justice, advancement in the fight with corruption and de-oligarchization. ‘’The justice is the first sector which must be cleaned of corruption, in order to build a really impartial, independent and predictable system, and the citizens should have confidence in the democratic institutions of the state,’’ Laura Codruța Kovesi.   

The last visit to Moldova by Laura Codruța Kovesi took place in the summer of 2022, when a cooperation agreement between Moldova’s Prosecutor’s Office and Public Prosecutor’s Office was signed.  





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