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Moldovan PM participates in new meeting of Anticorruption Platform

21:38 | 02.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 2 September /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean today participated, along with European Chief Prosecutor Laura Codruța Kövesi and Justice Minister Veronica Moraru-Mihailov, in the fifth meeting of the Anticorruption Platform. At the meeting, the PM stressed that the justice reform and the anticorruption fight were crucial for the process of Moldova’s accession to the European Union, the government’s communication department has reported.       

„The corruption hits the citizens’ confidence in our institutions; undermines the rule of law state and hinders the economic and the social development. The governments takes a firm commitment in the promotion of the measures of prevention and combating of corruption both nationally and in close cooperation with our European partners,’’ the prime minister said.     

PM Dorin Recean noted that the fight against corruption was a complex process and only through concrete actions and through the involvement of all relevant actors – public institutions, civil society and private environment – a future can be edified in which the integrity and transparency should be fundamental values. ‘’We must act with more resoluteness and prove that nobody is above the law,’’ the prime minister stressed.     

For her part, Laura Codruța Kövesi referred to the advantages of the cooperation of the law-enforcement institutions from Moldova with the European Public Prosecutor’s Office and urged the participants in the meeting to prove courage and initiative.   

Among the subjects discussed at the fifth meeting of the Anticorruption Platform, there were the challenges in the consideration of the corruption cases and the efficiency of the investigative instruments of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office.     





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