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Moldova's National Army marks 33rd anniversary of foundation

10:06 | 03.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 3 September /MOLDPRES/ - The National Army today marks the 33rd anniversary of its foundation. In the context, Defence Minister Anatolie Nosatii has conveyed a message, thereby thanking the generations of servicemen and civilian employees for self-denial, courage, professionalism, responsibility and honour.      

The defence minister noted that the army, which had been created several days after the proclamation of Moldova’s independence, had been and remained a pillar of the society, which during time went through a string of reforms and for which the peace and safety of the citizen had always been a priority.  

„The National Army is, first of all, about people – men and women – dedicated to the oath of allegiance to the Motherland, national values of the country where they were born. The National Army is about those who stayed at the basis of the foundation of the defence institution and those who, during 33 years, contributed to its development. Due to them, the National Army has resisted and built an image and a name not only nationally, but also beyond the country’s borders. The National Army is about the military at watch, in military units, at the training centres of the country, who are able to fulfill the missions established seriously and with abnegation, in any circumstances. The National Army is also about the servicemen on missions, far away from home, where along with contingents of other states, contribute to the efforts of keeping peace,’’ the official said.     

The minister also said that ‘’the National Army is also about the young men and women who chose to study at the only military education institution of the country, as well as about the military sportspeople, who during time gave us numerous reasons of pride with their performances.’’  

„On the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of the National Army’s foundation, I thank all generations of military and civilian employees, from the past and present, of the institution for self-denial, courage, professionalism, responsibility and honour. I express gratitude and admiration to everybody, as well as to the families which are with them and encourage them unconditionally in all efforts. Congratulations, the National Army!’’ Nosatii added.  

The National Army was founded on 3 September 1991, under a presidential decree.  



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