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Romania to help Moldova protect farmlands against extreme weather phenomena

11:50 | 03.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 3 September /MOLDPRES/ - The possibility of using anti-hail rockets and drones in Moldova, as part of the efforts of protecting agricultural crops against the extreme weather phenomena, with a devastating impact on the agriculture, was considered in Bucharest on 2 September. Discussions to this effect were held by Deputy Prime Minister, Agriculture and Food Industry Minister Vladimir Bolea, a state secretary at the Agriculture and Rural Development Ministry of Romania Sorin Moise and representatives of the Electromecanica Ploiesti stock company.    

The Romanian side expressed openness for backing these initiatives and recommended the working out of a feasibility study due to establish the most efficient ways of implementation of these technologies in Moldova. Vladimir Bolea appreciated the interest in the cooperation in this sector and asked for the carrying out of a comparative study, with specific recommendations for Moldova.     

At the same time, the sides agreed on the delegation of a group of Moldovan specialists to the Electromecanica Ploiesti stock company, in order to exchange experience and take over the good practices from Romania in the field of the active interventions in the atmosphere.  

On the next period, the sides involved will sign an agreement on cooperation, which will facilitate the implementation of the technologies of active intervention in atmosphere in Moldova, including the launch of anti-hail rockets.  




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