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Moldovan president congratulates Motherland's defenders on National Army's Day

12:55 | 03.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 3 September /MOLDPRES/ - President, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces Maia Sandu today congratulated the military on the National Army Day, the presidential press service has reported.   

The head of state addressed the leadership of the Defence Ministry and the Armed Forces, officers, sergeants, soldiers, as well as the civilian employees of the Army, expressing appreciation for the courage, patriotism and devotion which they prove.   

In her speech, President Maia Sandu thanked the veterans who had written the history of the National Army and the families which are with the country’s servicemen in the most difficult moments.  

„The military are the ones who, first of all, want peace in their country and everywhere in the world, as they know, better than anyone, the tragic cost of the destruction and the loss of human lives. And we have the duty to modernize and develop the National Army, to improve the Army’s capacities, to make sure that our servicemen have conditions of living, as well as of work at the level which they deserve,’’ the president noted.     

At the same time, the head of state said that it was in the interest of all Moldovans to have a modern and well-trained army for its basic mission – protection of peace in Moldova, of the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.  

„A country can flourish economically and socially only in a safe and protected environment. The Army has an essential contribution to the ensuring and maintaining of such an environment,’’ Maia Sandu stressed.   

Also today, the head of state signed Decrees on the awarding of state distinctions to servicemen and civilian employees of the Defence Ministry and the National Army.

Thus, 14 military and civilian employees of the Defence Ministry were awarded the Order Faithfulness to the Motherland, Civic Merit Medal, Military Merit Medal, For Bravery Medal, Nicolae Testemitanu Medal, as a token of appreciation of the professionalism displayed in the fulfilment of the job duty, for merits in maintaining a high level of the readiness for action of the military units and subunits, as well as for contribution to the consolidation and development of the national defence system.   

Also, the director of the Agency for Military Science and memory, Vitalie Ciobanu, was awarded the Order of Honour and the chief conductor of the Presidential Orchestra, Ion Coretchi, was awarded the honorific title, Master in Art, as a token of appreciation of the long-lasting and prodigious activity in the field of museology, for the abnegation and professionalism showed in the safeguarding and turning to good account of the national military historical heritage, as well as for substantial contribution to the bequeathing of the military memory and traditions to the next generations.      











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