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About 150,000 Moldovan families to receive up to 7,000 lei on behalf of state to buy fridges, washing machines, other household appliances

15:30 | 03.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 3 September /MOLDPRES/ - About 150,000 vulnerable families from all over Moldova will receive, in the next three years, vouchers worth up to 7,000 lei, for the replacement of the old household appliances by new energy efficient ones within the Vouchers for Household Appliances Programme, elaborated by the Energy Ministry.   

The value of vouchers, as well as the criteria of beneficiaries’ selection were approved by the Council of the National Centre for Sustainable Energy (CNED), in charge of the Programme’s implementation. Also, the budget for the first sessions of providing the vouchers, worth 54.5 million lei, was approved.      

According to the Energy Ministry, the vouchers, which will cover up to 70 per cent of the household appliances’ cost, will be provided to the consumers registered on the governmental platform . Thus, under the CNED decision, the consumers selected from the extreme energy vulnerability category will benefit from vouchers worth 7.000 lei; the ones from the quite high energy vulnerability category will receive support of 6,000 lei for the purchasing of new energy efficient household appliances and the ones from the high energy  vulnerability category – 5,000 lei. Through this programmne, CNED supports the community in transition to a more efficient consumption of energy, contributing to savings and a cleaner environment.    

To buy a household appliance, beneficiaries will have to provide instead old equipment of the same type (fridge or washing machine). The old apparatus should not be compulsorily functional.   

The beneficiaries selected will be informed through the platform , by SMS messages or email about the vouchers’ availability. Also, CNED launched a green line at the number 0 8005 5005, where all information and explanations on unclear things will be provided.    

On the long term, the programme will contribute to the enhancement of the economic security, optimization of the consumption of energy and diminution of the energy poverty, through the decreasing of the expenses for invoices of the residents   


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