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As many as 20,000 pupils of Moldova receive packages with books, school supplies on behalf of Romania

17:56 | 03.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 3 September /MOLDPRES/ - About 20,000 pre-school children and pupils from almost 150 education institutions of Moldova in the beginning of the school year have received educational packages with books and school supplies.  The presents were provided within the project, The box of pupils and pre-school child, implemented by the Department for Relation with Moldova (DRRM) of Romania’s government for the fourth year in a row.   

The first to enjoy the education kits were the pupils of the Negureni Gymnasium, Telenesti district and the one of the Stefanesti Gymnasium, Floresti district. On 1 September, they received books and schools supplies on behalf of DRRM state secretary Adrian Dupu.

„Through the Box of the pupils and pre-school child, we want to support the education of the young generation from Moldova, providing them with the resources necessary to contribute to the future of this country. The education is the foundation on which a strong society is built and we, through this approach, reaffirm Romania’s commitment to back the citizens from the left bank of the Prut river on their way to a prosperous and European future,’’ Adrian Dupu said.      

On 2 September, the pupils of the Theoretical Lyceum Alexandru cel Bun, Olimp Theoretical Lyceum, Andries Kindergarten No 2, Kindergarten No 6 – all from the Rezina town and the Samascani Gymnasium, Soldanesti district, received packages.   

A Moldovan MP, Larisa Novac, mayors, district heads, actors, teachers and thousands of parents participated in these actions along with the DRRM state secretary.  













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