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Moldovan electoral body registers one more initiative group to support candidate for office of Moldova's president

19:07 | 03.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 3 September /MOLDPRES/ - The members of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) today registered an initiative group for the support of the candidate for the office of Moldova’s president.  There are presently 13 groups.   

Today, the CEC members registered the initiative group for the collection of signatures for backing the candidate for the position of Moldova’s president, Vasile Tarlev, nominated by the Party for Moldova’s Future Political Party.  

Also, CEC confirmed the person in charge of the finances (treasurer). The initiative group will collect signatures till 20 September 2024.  

CEC has registered 13 initiative groups since the beginning of the period of submitting documents for the registration of initiative groups for supporting the candidates for the office of Moldova’s president.  




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