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Moldovan PM visits family business in transports sector in Briceni district

21:13 | 03.09.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 3 September /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean today discussed with Nutu Pop, who developed a business in the transports sector along with his family. The enterprise, PAT-9, holds 200 buses and mini-buses which provide services of carrying passengers on local and inter-urban routes from the Briceni district. He also provides transport of about 8,000 employees for more important companies from all over Moldova, the government’s communication department has reported.  

The owner of the business informed that, in 2000s, he had purchased the former park of buses from Briceni and since then, he had managed to modernize the transport services of the district, as well as to invest in other related businesses – transport of goods, an auto testing centre, a service and a shop of spare parts for vehicles. He was among the first carriers to implement the payment with the bank card in the public transport.  

Nuțu Pop also develops an agricultural business: he processes 385 hectares of farmlands in the district and he constructed a silo of cereals with drying room with a capacity of 8,000 tons on the area of the park, with the support of the Agency of Intervention and Payments for Agriculture.  

Nuțu Pop is proud of having provided the local residents with about 300 jobs; many of these employees have been with him since the beginning. Now, he plans to purchase new equipment for the processing of agricultural products.

The PM congratulated the entrepreneur on his entrepreneurial spirit and encouraged him to extend his work and analyze all opportunities provided by the governmental programmes on support of the business environment.   





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