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Moldovan PM discusses with citizens, business people of Briceni district

09:35 | 04.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 4 September /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean on 3 September visited a sports ground and a playground from the Colicauti settlement, northern Briceni district, for the construction of which the government had provided about 445,000 lei within the Express European Village project, the government’s communication department has reported.  

At the same time, the PM went to the Community Centre, which is to be renovated due to a project selected in the 2024 year edition of the European Village programme.   

At the Community Centre from the Colicauti settlement, the prime minister had a meeting with local residents. Dorin Recean and the residents discussed the problems faced by the latter, the salaries, pensions, projects on the development of villages and towns from Moldova, as well as opportunities provided by the young to young people. The deteriorated roads and the lack of access to quality water and sewerage were among the problems signed by the people.   

„We edify Europe here, at home. We want our villages to be full of people, which are to enjoy better living conditions. To achieve this goal, we will continue the projects on development and modernization of settlements,’’ Dorin Recean said.   

In the end of the visit, the PM went to a super-intensive orchard from nearby the settlement, where he discussed with a group of business people. The prime minister took knowledge of the newest technologies implemented in the cultivation of apples and the challenges faced by the producers from this region.  

„The government will continue the policy of encouraging and stimulation of the agricultural production with high value added. Together, we must find the best solutions to cope with the climate changes and stimulate the rational consumption of water,’’ the PM added.   

According to official data, there are almost 2,500 residents in the Colicauti commune, which includes two villages.











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