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Moldovan foreign affairs minister at Bled Forum says Moldova's accession to great European family crucial step

10:39 | 04.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 4 September /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova’s accession to the great European family is a crucial step and a guarantee that no part of Europe remains outside the region of common peace and prosperity. Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Affairs Minister Mihai Popsoi has made statements to this effect at the Bled Strategic Forum, held in Slovenia.   

In his speech made at the Panel Session: Europe Whole and Free: Enlargement as a Strategic Reconciliation Project, the deputy PM stressed the importance of the European Union’s enlargement as essential project for peace, security and prosperity on the entire European continent.  

„The EU’s enlargement process represents a historical opportunity for the states from the Western Balkans, Ukraine, Moldova and represents a way of reconciliation and aligning with the fundamental values of the European project: democracy, rule of law state and observance of the human rights,’’ Mihai Popsoi said. 

The Moldovan foreign affairs minister called on the European partners to continue the enlargement process, as it is essential for the stability of the whole continent. ‘’Moldova’s accession to the great European family is a crucial step and a guarantee that no part of Europe remains outside the region of common peace and prosperity,’’ Mihai Popsoi noted.   

In the end of his speech, the Moldovan deputy PM reaffirmed Moldova’s commitment to the European integration. ‘’ We will continue to closely cooperate with our European partners, in order to ensure a stable and prosperous future for Moldova and our citizens, in a united and free Europe,’’ the official said.    

The Bled Strategic Forum annually brings together heads of state and government, ministers and experts, in order to exchange opinions on the approaching of the challenges regionally and globally.  






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