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Moldovan president says authorities allocate over three-fold more money for development of villages, cities in last years than in one decade

11:24 | 04.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 4 September /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu continues her report to the citizens. The head of state has come up with a posting about the achievements got through the fulfillment of the second goal assumed when taking over the mandate of Moldova’s president – modernization of settlements.  In the last years, the authorities have allocated three-fold more money for the development of villages and cities than in one decade.   

According to the head of state, the local development was a national objective assumed in 2020.   

„In the last three years, the settlements have benefited from 2.85 billion lei, of which 1.8 billion lei through the European Village programme, and they will benefit from another 2.5 billion lei through the second edition of the programme. This is the biggest investment in the local development since the proclamation of the independence – almost 5.4 billion lei. In the last years, we allocated by over three times more money for villages and cities than on the entire period 2010-2020. More than any other previous governance. Hundreds of kindergartens, crèche groups, lyceums and gymnasiums, community centres renovated. Seven hundred kilometers of quality roads, of which 65 km were constructed from the scratch, 750 kilometers of water supply networks, 135 km of sewerage networks and about 610 km of public street illumination. Sports grounds, play parks, museums, green areas, sports complexes,’’ Maia Sandu noted.        

At the same time, President Maia Sandu specified that the settlements had benefited from the European Village programme, no matter the mayors’ political affiliation.

„The investments in settlements’ modernization mean the improvement of the living standards for the Moldovans, no matter whether they live in the centre of Moldova, in the south or north; yet, they mean also hope that the people who left would like to return, as at home, there will be water and sewerage, good school, modern hospital, safe roads and jobs. We will invest even more, once we get closer to the European Union. The accession to EU will allow us namely this thing – identifying more money for our settlements,’’ the Moldovan president said.     

On 20 August, President Maia Sandu, who is at the end of her mandate, started her public report to the citizens, referring to the achievement of each of the five goals assumed in 2020: getting Moldova out of isolation and rapprochement with the European Union; allocation of two billion lei annually for projects on modernization of villages; minimal pension of 2,000 lei; jobs in Moldova and united families; justice, order and discipline.   

The head of state concluded that the promises made at the taking over of the mandate of president had been fulfilled, to a great extent.









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