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EU to provide Moldova with 9.5 million euros to strengthen capacity of coping with challenges to national security

12:14 | 04.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 4 September /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova will benefit from financial assistance worth 9.5 million euros on behalf of the European Union for strengthening its capacity to cope with the challenges to the national security and to support the European integration process. The official launch of the Project, EU4 Resilient Moldova – Safe State, Strong Communities, has taken place in Chisinau. The project is financed by the European Commission through the Service for Foreign Policy Instruments and is implemented by the Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova.   

The project’s main goal is to create a safer environment for the citizens, through the consolidation of the state institutions’ capacity to protect the critical infrastructure and to efficiently manage the emergency situations.   

In the beginning of the event, the head of the Service for Foreign Policy Instruments, Peter Wagner, said that Moldova made important steps to enhance its resilience and the citizens’ security.   

„The project is conceived, in order to stimulate these efforts through investments in critical fields, such as the civil protection, infrastructure and rural development. It is specially conceived, in order to meet the needs of both the urban communities and the rural communities, enhancing their capacity to cope with the emergency situations, to improve the social cohesion and to stimulate the economic growth,’’ Peter Wagner said.     

Within this project, support is provided for the endowment of the institutions subordinated to the Interior Ministry (MAI) with protection equipment needed to ensure the security and quick reaction in critical situations. At the same time, till November 2025, 10 community posts of firemen and rescuers volunteers will be constructed and another 25 units will receive 350 sets of protection equipment, being endowed with advanced systems of communication and intervention.  

Interior Minister Adrian Efros said that these investments would allow identifying and counteracting potential threats to the national security.  

„The community stations of firemen volunteers are essential for enhancing the safety and resilience of the settlements from Moldova. They will have a crucial role in the emergency interventions, ensuring a quick response in case of fires and other critical situations,’’ Adrian Efros said.  

At the same time, the project, EU4 Resilient Moldova – Safe State, Strong Communities, regards the promotion of the sustainable development in the rural and urban areas of the country. Five settlements will be selected for the implementation of the Smart Village concept. Each of them will have a budget of 80,000 euros for innovating projects. Also, investments in photovoltaic parks will be made in these villages, with a budget of up to 190,000 euros per one settlement.     

At the same time, five cities will benefit from financing worth 200,000 euros for projects on urban revitalization, meant to improve the residents’ living standards. At the same time, 12 municipal enterprises will be endowed with specialized intervention technology, solar panels or other alternative energy technologies. These measures are aimed at enhancing the resilience and the capacity of the municipal enterprises to respond and manage the challenges coming from the danger situations, to shorten the time of response to disasters and to extend the range of interventions which can be made promptly and efficiently.      

Special emphasis will be put on the combating of misinformation through the carrying out of information campaigns, in order to increase the degree of population’s awareness about the security risks and benefits of the integration into EU.   

The project has duration of 18 months and implies the cooperation with MAI and the subordinated institutions, Infrastructure and Regional Development Ministry, Energy Ministry, State Chancellery and the Reintegration Bureau.





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