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Management of solid waste to be improved in southern Moldova

13:17 | 04.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 4 September /MOLDPRES/ - The infrastructure in the field of solid waste management in southern Moldova will be developed at the expense of a grant worth 4.34 million euros. The government today approved the signing of an agreement on grant between Moldova and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).   

According to the government’s communication department, the agreement is meant to ensure the carrying out of the Solid Waste in Moldova project, which provides for the development of the specific infrastructure in three regions of waste management, according to the strategy of waste management in Moldova.    

Under this agreement, the southern region of the country is regarded, more exactly the districts: Cahul, Cantemir, Taraclia, as well as the districts of Vulcanesti, Ceadar-Lunga and Comrat from the Autonomous Territorial Unit (UTA) of Gagauzia. In particular, the waste storage facility, the station of sorting of composting from the Cahul city will be built; the old waste storage facility from the Cahul city will be closed; transfer stations will be constructed in the towns of Cania, Taraclia and Comrat. Also, equipment for transport, sorting, recycling, composting, including dumpcarts, containers, as well as vehicles will be purchased in the entire region.     

The signing of the agreement on grant is planned to take place at the annual conference of the Moldova Partnership Platform, scheduled to be held in Chisinau on 17 September 2024.



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