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Moldovan teachers at beginning of career, probationers from schools to enjoy mentorship

13:49 | 04.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 4 September /MOLDPRES/ - The teachers beginners and the probationers from the general education institutions of Moldova will benefit from a programme on guidance at the place of work. At a today’s meeting, the cabinet of ministers approved the Regulation on the activity of mentorship, the government’s communication department has reported.      

The goal of the enforcement of this programme is to facilitate the professional integration of the new employees into the education system. Decision-makers will support the continuous development of the professional and personal skills of the teachers and managerial staff, will promote the innovation and leadership in education, as well as will ensure the state of good at work and respectively, pupils’ progress in studying.    

The mentorship activity will be carried out in the following forms: practice mentorship, professional insertion mentorship and mentorship of professional development at the place of work. To become mentor, people must have specific qualifications and proper professional experience. The conditions vary, depending on the level of mentorship (national, regional or institutional) and include the finishing of specialized training programmes, promotion of evaluations and getting of necessary certificates.    

The work of the mentors will be assessed based on the methodology elaborated by the National Institute for Education and Leadership.  



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