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Moldovan National Anticorruption Centre detains deputy mayor of Soroca city, chief architect, secretary of municipal council

12:51 | 04.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 4 September /MOLDPRES/ - The deputy mayor of the Soroca city, the chief architect and the secretary of the municipal council today were detained by anticorruption officers in more files which regard the faking of public tenders.   

Officers of the National Anticorruption Centre (CNA) and prosecutors of the Balti-based Prosecutor’s Office made searches in more files opened on deeds of active, passive corruption and influence peddling.

Thus, seven representatives of the local authorities from Soroca, as well as 16 private people, including economic agents, are prosecuted by CNA in corruption files which regard the faking of public tenders.    

The criminal prosecution was started based on a reasonable suspicion that the public persons and the people holding public offices from the Soroca city hall and municipal council would have favoured economic agents in the process of getting the set of documents for the conclusion of contracts with the city hall against illicit remunerations. Also, in exchange for illicit financial means, received through third persons, the civil servants would have faked more tenders for the latter’s winning by certain economic agents.   

At this point, four persons have status of suspect; three of them were detained for 72 hours and placed in detention centre. It is about the chief architect of the Soroca city, deputy mayor of the Soroca municipality and the secretary of the municipal council.  

All actions take place under the procedural leadership of the Balti city’s Prosecutor’s Office.  



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