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Moldovan president has meeting with former Estonian head of state

12:34 | 04.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 4 September /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu has met the former president of Estonia, Toomas Hendrik Ilves, on a visit to Chisinau. The sides discussed Estonia’s experience in the European integration process and the lessons which Moldova can learn from this way, the presidential press service reported.

Ilves, who acted as foreign affairs ministers on the period when Estonia was preparing for accession to the European Union and president during two mandates after the accession, played a key role in his country’s transformation. During the discussions, the interlocutors stressed the success of the digitalization in Estonia, which significantly contributed to the fight against corruption and the enhancement of the citizens’ confidence in the states’ institutions.    

„Estonia is a reliable friend of Moldova. With its support, we advance on the way of modernization and Europeanization.’’ President Maia Sandu stressed.

Estonia regained its independence in 1991 and joined EU in 2004. During the 20 years of belonging to EU, the average gross salary increased almost five-fold in Estonia, from about 400 euros in 2004 to almost 1,900 euros in 2024 and the life expectancy grew by about 8 years, reaching 79 years in 2023. These achievements prove the positive impact of the European integration on the living standards of the Estonian citizens and serve as inspiration for Moldova, which is now in a crucial stage of modernization and Europeanization.      




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