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Moldovan Commission for Emergency Situations allocates 100 million lei for back farmers hit by natural calamities

11:58 | 05.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 5 September /MOLDPRES/ – One hundred million lei will be allocated from the government’s intervention fund for the partial compensation of the losses borne by Moldovan farmers in the wake of the drought and the quite high air temperatures from the last summer. A decision to this end has been approved at a meeting of the Commission for Emergency Situations (CSE), chaired by Prime Minister Dorin Recean, the government’s communication department reported.     

The PM gave assurances that the identification of additional resources for supporting the farmers would continue. ‘’We will make sure that this assistance reaches the concerned enterprises as soon as possible.  We look also for other efficient solutions for the agricultural sector and on the next period, we will come up with the instrument of emergency situation for farmers, especially for the producers of cereals from certain districts of Moldova, according to the model from Romania.’’   

According to data by the Agriculture and Food Industry Ministry, so far, decision-makers have compiled 5,792 acts on ascertaining the losses borne by farmers in the wake of the unfriendly weather conditions in all regions of Moldova. It is about 297,000 hectares of agricultural crops. The worst hit crop is the maize.  






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